Afterglow Esthetics LLC
My name is Danielle Thomas and I am a state licensed esthetician. I get a lot of questions about what that means
and what services I offer.
Smooth and Silky
Revitalize Your Skin
Great for lunch breaks!
Enhance your lashes
Make your lashes BOLD
the best of both worlds!
You deserve it!
Pamper your teens too!
Why shave?
Make those arms smooth!
Try it, you'll next go back!
Get ready for summer!
Go big or go home!
Brows are so important!
Make your bundle!
Out of sight out of mind
The ultimate package
Yes, it's exactly what you think
Get outta there!
A great package
a nice add on to a service!
Doesn't go with your hair style? No big deal!
Let's have a party!
Stay Tuned!
We will be doing special sales and promotions for the holiday season, come check out what we have for you!
109 South Third Street
Knoxville, Iowa 50138
Text or Call: